
Friday, February 1, 2013

How to Move all Android applications to SD card without Rooting

As we need your reply, just thumb UP if this trick works for you and mention the Devise Model number in your comment on which you are using this trick, This will help us to upload more stuff like this.

This small tutorial will help you to move most application to the sd card by following the simple step mentioned in this video.

I am putting the commands below here.
These are some steps which you need to follow
1. Set your phone on USB Debugging mode as shown in Video.

2. Open a terminal shell (On Windows, open a command prompt
session), and navigate to 'Tools' folder in the extracted contents.

3. Type "adb shell" (On Windows) ["./adb shell" on Linux/Mac systems]

4. If you set the phone in the correct mode, you will get a '#' prompt.

5. On the prompt, type pm setInstallLocation 2

6. Wait for the '#' prompt to appear. Thats it.

This will not VOID your warranty so don't worry about it.
But you need to take care of some things like,
1. If the application provides Widgets and you use them, DO NOT move them to SD card -- the widgets will not function correctly if you move them to the SD Card. If it provides Widgets, and you are not going to use them, or the app does not provide widgets, it is safe to move them.
2. If you're planning to root your phone using any software, you will have to reset the default install location to phone memory.

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